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UIC Choirs
Feb 25, 2022
Notre Dame de Chicago
1334 W Flournoy
From Native American song to the African-American spiritual; American folk to 21st-century choral music for social justice, we stir in the richness of this music and the complexity of its history. This semester the UIC Choirs have considered how, as a choral community, we can lean into Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s framework of a “Beloved Community”—a society based on justice, equal opportunity, and love of one’s fellow human beings. We hope you join the singers and featured student soloists on Friday, February 25 at 7:00pm at the historic Notre Dame de Chicago church. Please reach out to choirs@uic.edu for more information about the program.
Unless otherwise stated all our music performances are “pay what you can” admission.
Please consider making a donation on the donation option on this Eventbrite, at the event or on our website.
UIC community members must show their Daily Pass upon arrival at the performance space. Guests not affiliated with UIC will be asked to provide proof of vaccination, or a negative COVID test from the past 72 hours, and a government-issued photo ID to attend. We will have a check in table located at the entrance of the seating area. In addition, with the current CDPH ordinance, we require that all patrons are masked while enjoying events.
For accessibility or information on the event please contact our box office:
Box Office: 312-996-2939
UIC Theatre, 1044 West Harrison, Chicago, IL 60607