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UIC Choirs Concert
Oct 21, 2022
Notre Dame de Chicago
1334 W. Flournoy St., Chicago, IL 60607
We create – We belong
This year the UIC Choirs lift up the theme, Creativity – we create to belong – we create to leave our community more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it. From the African American spiritual to Cuban dance music, sacred texts of ancient and modern to 21st century choral music for social justice — we stir in the richness of this music and seek to connect it to our greater sense of belonging as a choral community.
We look forward to featuring three special guest artists and UIC alumni from the School of Theatre and Music: Eréndira Izguerra ’16, co-founder of Mariachi Sirenas, Alexandra Plattos Sulack ’11, co-founder of The Voice Lab, and Puja Ramaswamy ‘06, director of choirs at Lake View High School.
View full concert program here.
All of our concerts are FREE and open to the public.
Registration is required to attend this performance, simply click the “Get Tickets” button below.
For information on parking visit: https://parking.uic.edu/rates-fees/
CTA Blue Line to UIC-Halsted. There are 3 exits from this platform. Take the far west exit with the long ramp (towards Morgan Street). There are also CTA buses (#7 and #60) that stop directly in front of our building.
For accessibility, accommodations and special requests please contact Neal McCollam.