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UIC Percussion Ensemble
Apr 28, 2023
UIC Theatre L280
1040 W. Harrison St. Chicago, IL 60607
The UIC Percussion ensemble presents their Spring 2023 concert featuring music from Alexis Lamb, Francisco Perez, Elliot Cole and more. The concert will feature an array of traditional percussion instruments as well as some unlikely sounds.
Registration is required to attend this performance, simply click the “Get Tickets” button below.
For information on parking visit: https://parking.uic.edu/rates-fees/
CTA Blue Line to UIC-Halsted. There are 3 exits from this platform. Take the far west exit with the long ramp (towards Morgan Street). There are also CTA buses (#7 and #60) that stop directly in front of our building.
For accessibility, accommodations and special requests please contact Neal McCollam.
REGISTRATION: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/uic-percussion-ensemble-tickets-585907955467?aff=ebdsoporgprofile