Symphonic Band Camp

UIC 9th Annual Summer
Symphonic Band Camp
July 21-27, 2024
For High School Students
(Grade 9–Graduating Seniors)
Join fellow high school musicians from around Chicago in an intensive six-day experience to develop instrumental technique, expand repertoire, improve ensemble skills, and get to know other young musicians. Rehearsals and masterclass are led by UIC instrumental faculty and ensemble directors. The camp will conclude with a final performance with the UIC Summer Winds. Join us on UIC’s campus for a week of inspired music making!
Registration fee: $150 (limited scholarships are available, contact uicbands@uic.edu for more information)
The deadline to register is July 15, but late registration will be considered as space allows.
UIC Campus, ETMSW Building, 1040 West Harrison Street
Sunday, July 21
4:00pm—6:00pm: Placement Auditions
Monday-Friday, July 22-26
4:00pm—8:00pm: Rehearsals and Masterclasses
Saturday, July 27
10:30AM—2:00PM: Rehearsal
2:00PM—4:00PM: Final Performance
Chair placement auditions will take place on Sunday, July 21. Audition excerpts will be posted on website by Friday, June 21.
Questions we haven’t answered here? Contact UICBands@uic.edu or call 312-996-5307.